
Chan's Plaster have far less scent then many other liniments and medicated plasters making them a good choice for scent free work places... learn more

Zheng Gu Shui is an amazing liniment. Translated, it means bone-setting solution. Its function is to promote blood circulation, stop pain and help regeneration of bone tissue and connective tissue... learn more

Temporarily relieves minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to: simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, sprains... learn more

According to the US Surgeon General, magnesium is the most common nutrient deficiency in the American diet. Magnesium will help with conditions involving spasms or cramps – muscular cramps, spasms, tension headaches, muscle twitching, restless leg syndrome, PMS, asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic neck and back pain, inflammatory bowel disease... learn more

Vitamin K2 is one of the most exciting vitamins of this decade. By keeping calcium bone where it belongs, vitamin K2 may help prevent heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and more. ... learn more

Bromelain 2400 GDU , Pancreatin 8X USP, Papain 50,000 PU - This is a simple, yet extremely potent 3 ingredient formula, when taken away from meals, exerts a powerful systemic anti inflammatory effect. It is beneficial in conditions such as arthritis, sports injuries, allergies, cancer, heart disease, and for general pain relief. ... learn more

This unique formula combines traditional herbal adaptogens Maca and Rhodiola with newly released-to-market ingredients Relora and theanine, to assist the body in regaining homeostasis by reducing stress and anxiety. This non-stimulating formula gently restores natural harmony to the nervous system. ... learn more